Friday, January 4, 2008

No Mo' Joe Part II

Over almost as soon as it started Joe Biden and Chris Dodd both dropped out out of the race for the President last night. As most know I was pulling for Joe Biden to make more headway than he did, first because during many of the debates he seem to come across as the adult in the room when issues of foreign policy were discussed, and secondly having grown up in Michigan watching the Detroit Lions for all these years, I've been subconciously programmed to root for the team with no chance of ever winning. Perhaps that's why I'm a liberal? :) Oh well.

I thank Dodd and Biden for their time and efforts on our behalf and all the best.

As life generally works, one door closes and another opportunity comes along, so hopefully this just gives Dodd more time to organize his philibuster of the FISA bill and run for Senate Majority Leader. Go team Dodd!

Really though, why would anybody agree to give immunity to the Telecoms if we aren't even allowed to know what they did in the first place? Oh well...... another time.

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