Saturday, February 9, 2008

Obama the Untouchable

I'm starting to get a little big chaffed by the members of the African American Elite who seem to feel that Barrak Obama needs to be treated with kid's gloves in this election.

Britebart is reporting that former Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder 'is not ready to excuse comments former President Bill Clinton made about Barack Obama. ' This is regarding Bill Clinton's comments calling Obama's claiming that he has a different opinion from Hillary on Iraq a fairy tale that the media has played into.

The comments from Clinton were a fair play on Obama's stance, and were especially accurate in their portrayal of Obama's record in the Senate being the same as Hillary Clinton's record.

Obama and his supporters should be wary of these tactics. If they are allowed to continue and someone as liberal as I am is turned off by them, this could backfire on Obama in the general.

Most people in our country look forward to the day when we have our first African American President and our country has worked hard to come to realize the day when people can be judged by 'the content of their character rather than the color of their skin'. However a sense of entitlement or an expectation that an African American candidate needs to be treated specially only shows us that we haven't gotten there yet.

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