Looking at the news this week and the whirlwind surrounding Blago it has left me thinking that Obama nailed it. The first test Obama was faced with after becoming President Elect was his cabinet choices. We all know, Dems and Repubs that he got it right. Time will tell if his cabinet works for the best but he has certainly presented his case that he would live up to his campaign promises of a new kind of politics, or at least one different than we've seen in 8 years perhaps much longer.
But the second test came out of the blue with Blago and presented with this opportunity to completely fall flat on his face and embarass himself as a typical Chicago politician, Obama not only refuses to even stumble he somehow manages to hit it out of the park.
'...they're not willing to give me anything except appreciation. Fuck
What more could you ask for?
I left a few comments in response to you on the Balloon Juice thread. I hope you'll take a look at those and check out the RainbowPUSH site as I suggest. I don't think you have a very accurate picture of Jesse Jackson Sr.
You could be right, I've certainly been wrong before.
But if you are right Jackson has some image retooling he needs to do.
Here's my long reply to you.
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