Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Defacto Line Item Veto

The Righties are all excited because they feel the Bush Administration has found a way to implement a line item veto on earmarks without all of the messy hard word of actually having to amend the Constitution or pass a law.

Apparently Bush has decided that he can simply enact the line item veto by simply telling the government agencies not to spend the money as directed by Congress.

You see we're a nation of laws. And we have a Constitution. And we must follow the laws and the Constitution to the letter, unless ofcourse Republicans find a convenient way to ignore that laws. And the Constitution.

Bush is a genious I say!! Who else could have found so many originalist intent executive powers in the Constitution that amazingly nobody knew were there! Even the founders!

Update: Kagro X over at the Daily Kos has a more in depth article discussing this issue that is definitely worth a read. Apparently this use of Presidential power originated in the Reagan administration, well I guess if Reagan was the origin then it must be right.

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