Friday, January 4, 2008

Mitt Romney - Brits Don't Like Him Either

Mitt Romney just can't get a break. Check out this online poll at the London Times that gives their readers a chance to 'vote in the US primary'. The results I got were this.

McCain - 41.4%
Romney - 4.8%
Rudy - 17.7%
Huckabee - 12.5%

And the big winner of the night placing second exceeding expectations????

Ron Paul - 17.9%

What? Don't they realize that he's a nut?

On the Dem side, no real suprises though. Obama 60%, Clinton 25% and Edwards 9%. I guess there is something of a suprise. Where did all that Clinton goodwill of the world go?

Oh, and if you do look at the actual poll, notice the option at the bottom that allows you to change your vote after you've seen the results. They have this Iowa stuff down cold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you see any of the Reptilian debates? I was surprised to see just how much the other Pub's hate Romney. It's not quite Hillary level hatred, but they sure don't like the guy.

I also have to give McCain and Huckabee props for the zingers teasing Romney about his flip flops.

I would take that as a sign that Romney's campaign is just about over. Becoming the butt of jokes is a very bad sign.