Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Them Rotten Liberals at the Washington Times

Tony Blankley over at the Washinton Times has an interesting editorial today regarding the success in Iraq. It starts out with the ole standard of blaming media for everything indicating that ofcourse the media is not reporting the 'good news' from Iraq. We've heard that before right? But he goes on to say that poll results are now showing that the American people are understanding that military progress is being made in Iraq.

Well Sparky if the media isn't reporting it, how exactly are the American people learning about it? It must be ESP or Claire Voyency or whatever the fuck type of supernatural power it is that would allow for people to come to that remote understanding (perhaps we should have the guys from ParanormalState investigate). The truth is, as always the media is doing a good job of portraying the news from Iraq. It isn't as positive as Blankley would like it to be simply because the true objective of 'The Surge', the political reconciliation of Iraq isn't taking shape. I'm not saying that it won't happen, but now is not the time to claim Victory V.8.3 again.

But what gets me most about Blankley's article is the following quotes:

"First, of course, the debit side must be noted, foremost the human cost,
to date: about 4,000 dead American troops, about 30,000 injured, perhaps half
seriously, including more than 600 amputees and about 3,000 diagnosed traumatic
brain injuries. Many more Iraqis have been killed. The financial cost of the war
will run above $1 trillion. We have also, at least temporarily, driven thousands
of Muslims into the radical ranks, created great enmity in much of the Muslim
world (and not a little in Europe also.)"

"If, after years of stumbling and bumbling, the enduring strength and
eventual wisdom of the American people can enter into the belly of the Islamist
world, overturn tyrants, empower the Muslim people with peaceable and prosperous
ways and intimidate two Islamist nuclear aspirants to renounce their
pretensions, we will show ourselves to be the strong horse."

Wow. Noting the human costs of the war in American and Iraqi terms. Noting the vast cost in treasure of the war. Noting driving thousands of muslims into the hands of the extremists. Noting the fact that we've been bumbling in Iraq for years. Holy Crap. A conservative on the pages on the Washinton Times pretty much saying that the criticisms of the left of this war have been right all along!

Blankely goes on to make an arguement that I've made for a while now. That if it is possible to succeed in Iraq that is the best path, and we may be on that path. Some people on the left have become to invested in the failure of Iraq and not willing to look at the problem going forward, rather they want to refight the decision to invade. But we Dems need to be willing to take credit for the fact that the turning point in Iraq was the turning point in US politics. The November 2006 election. Lets not blow it because we (rightfully) dislike and distrust Bush.


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